
  • 当拉蒙发现自己是欧洲圣巴勃罗王国的继承人时,他对成为国王的前景感到气馁。皇家专家安吉莉卡被雇来将拉蒙改造成…
  • 苹果将把1981年幻想喜剧片《时间劫匪》改编成剧集,塔伊加·维迪提(《雷神3》《追捕野蛮人》)执导并编写首集剧本…
  • 苹果将把1981年幻想喜剧片《时间劫匪》改编成剧集,塔伊加·维迪提(《雷神3》《追捕野蛮人》)执导并编写首集剧本…
  • 在这样一个精神失常的世界里,谁才是真正的疯子?这是一部讲述年轻情侣们不断逃跑,交织着诗意与现实影像,极具讽…
  • Two twisted housemates lure an unbalanced woman into a sexual trap, with murderous results.
  • Two twisted housemates lure an unbalanced woman into a sexual trap, with murderous results.
  • A demonic cult has summoned the ultimate beast, Bigfoot, to prowl the mountains and slaughter innocent vic…
  • A mysterious teen girl arrives at an all-boys school in 1970s Colombia, breaking stereotypes, rules - and …
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