
  • A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes...
  • 一个小镇克里姆发现了一个中国古代的时间旅行装置,可以帮助他完成抢劫并开始新的生活,但他可能无法在篡改时间的…
  • A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man i…
  • A businessman heads to Cuba and gets caught caught up in an assassination conspiracy.
  • 才华横溢的新西兰国际象棋手詹纳西斯•坡特尼,他的绰号为“黑马”,因为精神疾病饱受折磨,被精神疾病医院收容。…
  • 英国郊区,一家人搬到一幢黑色的公寓中。父亲(HannsZischler饰)在修葺院子时猝死,母亲(SinéadCusack…
  • On a remote Scottish Isle in the 1950s, a 30-year-old woman(Andrea Riseborough)is caught between her overb…
  • 苏格兰女王玛丽(克蕾曼丝·波西 Clemence Poesy 饰)在18岁之前都生活在异国他乡,成年之后,她回到了苏格兰继承…
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