
  • When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found…
  • A young lady, who recently lost her mother, faces the challenges of high school and her very strict step-f…
  • 一个电影摄制组在法国小城毕加索选了四个“问题青少年”担任主要演员,引发社区居民的质疑。这是导演丽丝·阿科卡…
  • 三个好友出发露营,却意外触发一场由神秘科学家主导的恐怖复制实验。三人因此被困,且远不是自己更高强敏捷复制人…
  • A young couple Mira (Abbie Cobb) and Todd (Sean Faris) hire a live-in nurse (Lyndon Smith) to be the careg…
  • 玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡([面目])执导,拉菲·卡西迪、米契尔·哈思曼、丹妮斯·高夫主演英语新片[另一只羔羊](Th…
  • Forthousandsofyears,onlyreligionhasofferedananswertowhathappensafterdeath.Scienceisabouttochangethat.Witht…
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