
  •  Astrid Nielsen, works in the library of the judicial police. Suffering from As…
  • Kiran, a 1st-generation Punjabi trucker and anxious dad-to-be, stumbles across Elena, a 9-year-old undocum…
  •   故事讲述了十八世纪暹罗军压境进犯,大城王朝岌岌可危。小小村庄的Bangrajan人民螳臂挡车,多番力抗强敌大军…
  • After a romantic weekend gets sidetracked, a young couple find themselves at an outdated hotel, caught up …
  • A rising prosecutor spends the night at a rival defense attorney's home. Awakened next to his murdered bod…
  • 翻拍自同名韩国电影,讲述深受困扰、无依无靠的拳击手搬去和失散多年的母亲及患有自闭症的钢琴家弟弟同住,他必须…
  • <p>  在底特律老虎队服役19年的灵魂人物比利契波(凯文科斯纳饰演)面临生命的低谷:这个赛季球队表现不…
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